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Complete Projects with Accountability

Often for new writers the hardest part isn’t finding an idea or starting to write. Instead, they run into the wall on the way to finishing a project. Screenwriting tends more to the marathon end of the spectrum. You’ve got pages for the outline, pages for the first draft, pages for the rewrite, and the rewrite after that, and the rewrite after that…

Keeping up your pace through all that writing requires endurance and commitment. While screenwriting might not be digging a ditch, it can still be a draining process. And once the initial enthusiasm for an idea wanes, you have to find another way to sustain yourself.

Strategies for Accountability

The Project Management apps from last week can help with this. Setting specific, concrete goals for yourself with Trello or Todoist gives you something to work towards. Same for setting a specific amount of time a week you’ll write through Toggle.

Another option for accountability comes from other writers. On the Screenwriters Network I run a writers group solely focused on setting deadlines and holding each other accountable. Other groups are built around writing a script on the same timeline, every member working through at the same pace.

When first starting out as a writer, I found very useful. The site name tells it all. By becoming a member, you pledge to write 750 words, everyday. You also pledge certain rewards and punishments in case you don’t meet your goal. That site is no longer free to use, but I’d still recommend it.


In the end, the specifics matter less than the idea. I’m a big believer in surrendering to a higher power/habit when it comes to repeatable process. Find your higher power – an app, a website, a writers group, your own friends – and let them hold you accountable. Accept that you are no longer choosing to write every day; instead you must write every day because something outside you mandates it. And then keep showing up.

Soon enough, the project will be done and you can start all over again.