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Submit an Article!

We are always looking for more voices, processes, and points of view to add to the Screenwriters Network blog. Any active member of the Network can submit an article. Below is a list of suggested topics, but other pitches also welcome. Additional article requests may be posted on the server as needed.

Shorter articles will be awarded 1 Month of VIP Silver access. Longer articles (generally over 300 words) will be awarded 1 Month of VIP Gold access.

In general, we are looking for articles that speak to your personal process and relationship to screenwriting. We love strong voices. We strongly prefer tight articles that are quick and to the point.

Additionally, the focus of On Spec is to present “an approach”, not “the approach”, which is the point of view expected of all pieces published on this blog. Please review our Welcome to see more.

We reserve the right to decline to publish any articles that do not meet the standards of this site.

Open & Recurring Article Assignments:

Writers Soundtracks – A brief description of the type of music you like to write to, along with a link to the playlist so others can listen along. (Flat Fee – 1 Month VIP Silver)

Why I Use [Screenwriting Software] – Testimonials on your screenwriting software of choice. All software welcome. Can be software previously written about. (Flat Fee – 1 Month VIP Silver)

Why I Listen to [Screenwriting/Filmmaking Podcast] – Testimonial on your favorite screenwriting or film-related podcast. Can be a podcast previously written about. (Flat Fee -1 Month VIP Silver)

Quick Tip: [X Screenwriting Element] – Brief summaries of quick tips to improve someone’s writing. (Flat Fee – 1 Month VIP Silver)

Why I Write [Genre] – A quick explanation of what draws you to the genre you write in. (Flat Fee -1 Month VIP Silver)

Tips on Moving to / Living in Los Angeles – If you live in LA, provide a short piece with insight on the city, such as places to live, things to do, or ways to meet other filmmakers. (Flat Fee – 1 Month VIP Silver)

Scene Analysis – Write an analysis of a specific scene or moment in a film or television show, with a focus on the writing. Any length.

Script Analysis – Write an analysis of the script for a film or television show. Any length.

How to Write [Genre] – Provide insight into how to approach writing a specific genre; can be any element and as broad or specific as the writer chooses. Any length.

How to Give Notes – Describe your note-giving process. Any length.

What to Look For In Notes – Describe how you take and utilize notes. Any length.

Outlining Method – Describe your outlining method. Any length.

Developing an Idea – Describe your idea development process. Any length.

Developing A Main Character – Describe how you create and develop the main character of your script. Any length.

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