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Writers Soundtrack: Anti-Pop

Anti-Pop by Spotify
Why I Listen – Growing up in a multilingual environment, I found comfort in hearing songs in a variety of languages. Music followed me everywhere, from classrooms to car rides, and-of course-showers. It calmed me down, motivated me, and helped me focus on my goals.

Writing presents a unique set of challenges: lyrics. Although I love hearing words while I work, hearing English tempts me into singing along. With “Anti Pop”, I’ve discovered hearing songs in non-native languages deters me from embracing my inner soloist. “Anti Pop” provides a diverse mix of languages from dozens of international artists that keep me focused. 

Plus, this is an official playlist curated by Spotify. Meaning there’s a diverse batch of songs outside of my usual genres ready to stream, saving me the legwork of generating one myself. Its official status brings the benefit of frequent song rotations which help maintain the core aesthetic of “Anti-Pop” by introducing a consistent medley of unfamiliar beats.

Did I mention the length? This playlist offers 5 hours of music (over 200 songs), perfect for 2-hour writing marathons minus any repeats.

From Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Dominique Riley enjoys watching and writing dramas when she isn’t painting or other creative endeavors. She’s a member of the Screenwriters Network.